The 2022 Nation's Report Card
The Nation's Report Card measures academic trends annually in grades 4, 8 and 12 and is performed by the federal organization NAEP - National Assessment of Educational Process. The National Report Card assesses many subjects - including Reading.
The last Report Card published (due to Covid) was in 2019. The 2022 Results on Reading have been published and they indicate that children in grades 4 and 8 scored 3 points less than in the 2019 Assessment. That represents the level in 1992 (when the tests were first administered). (See Excerpt below)
This is a disappointing drop compared to the results in 2019. For this reason it is imperative that we provide as many interesting and relevant books to as many students as possible in order to reverse the impact of staying home during the Pandemic.
Excerpt 2022 Nation's Report Card / Reading
For More Information go to : https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/highlights/reading/2022/
Fact 1:
61% ............. Sixty-One Percent of low-income families have no books at all in their homes for their children.
30,000,000 ... Thirty Million fewer words are heard by poor children than their affluent peers.
2 Years Old .... By Age Two, poor children are already behind their peers in listening, counting, and other skills
essential to literacy.
.... Reading Literacy in the Unites States, 1996
.... National Governors Assoc: Governor's Guide to Early Literacy , 2013​
Fact 2:
The most successful way to improve the reading achievement of low-income children is to increase their access to print.
....Neuman, et al, 2000
Fact 3:
Having books in the home is twice as important as the father's education level.
....Res0arch in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2010
Fact 4:
In middle-income neighborhoods, the ratio of books per child is 13 to 1... in low-income neighborhoods, the ratio is 1 age-appropriate book for every 300 children.
.... Neuman, et al, 2006